Scot, Alena and their 2 girls in a family picture

The story of Rocking T Farms

about our Farm

We’re country and city, grassroots and academia, but the dirt under our fingernails is all the same.

Behind the scenes of Rocking T Farms

We have committed our lives to simplicity and abundance. . We are committed to a world where food is a healer and brings us all together. We truly believe, the way to one’s heart is through the stomach. We try our best every day, some days we win some days we fail. We never stop learning; we don’t give up easily. We’re country and city, grassroots and academia, but the dirt under our fingernails is all the same.

How it all started

After studying sociology and communicational studies, English and Eastern European Studies in Switzerland, I (Alena) decided that I needed more dirt under my finger nails. A short trip to Canada to learn how to train horses turned into a life and a commitment not only to my family but to the very soil we walk on. I have always been strong willed and opinionated with a certain lack of appreciation for expensive things (I do enjoy the nice things in life, unfortunately I have a special talent of breaking and losing them faster than what I can keep track of). That determination is now geared towards creating a farm that goes beyond just growing food. My ambition is to create, grow and heal, to build a place everyone can call home, a place where we can find peace and come together.

On the path to regeneration

Scott is the Yang to my Yin. Farm life was imprinted on him as a little child and after half a life away from farming working in the oilfield, as a farrier, cowboying and all kinds of different occupations the soil has called him back. Now he lives and breathes microbiology and his love for seeds and the hidden half of nature has sunk its roots deep. We call him the barefoot cowboy for a reason. The second the snow is gone, you will find him barefoot and with his cowboy hat in the garden with his cup of coffee, watching the grass grow. Other than the dishes, Scott is able to embrace every aspect of farm life, thanks to all the places life has taken him. He is the creative mind behind the operation, the mechanic, the builder, the social entrepreneur. If there are projects to get done, mostly because I broke something expensive, Scott will be the one fixing, improving and building. The passion he applies to everything in life and his plain refusal to accept no as an answer is what makes this farm not only run fairly smoothly, but expands the dream and brings it to life.

Welcome to our secret and sacred garden

Rocking T Farms is more than just a place, it is an experience, the place you come to, to breathe, to come home to, to feel better than you did before. We envision our farm to be rich in soil and biodiversity, overgrown with plants and wildlife in every form, a secret and sacred garden. A world open to everyone who is willing to take the risk to immerse themselves into this wild and raw beauty.

Why others visit our farm

Okay, those pork chops are great but tonight we tried the pork steaks.. holy crow those are unreal. I don't know what cut that is from (..) but 10/10.

Maria D.
Pasture raised pork

Holly s**t balls we just bbq some butt steaks, I didn't want it to end. I can say it was the best butt steak I've ever had. Unreal!! Thanks for the pig


Oliver (Brittany spaniel puppy) is incredible, has exceeded our expectations by miles.

Steven A
About our Brittany spaniel puppies

We had a few minor issues that I would expect to have with any green horse, but on a score he would easily be a 9.5, worked him hard and he met every challenge, so thanks again for all your hard work. (on Johnny, a horse in training)

Barry L
About a horse in training

I cooked the pork roast tonight. It is the best I’ve had in a very long time.

About our pasture raised pork

Family favourites

We love to learn and try out new ideas. We draw our inspiration from all over the place and we love to share our journey of learning.

our family favorites
Cooking on our own land