It's not the cow, it's the how

Cows can be the solution instead of part of the problem

Cow's have an incredibly bad reputation. Very unfairly we believe. It is not the cows that are the problem, but our management methods. Every animal has a vital role to play in the regeneration of soil and if we don't create an environment where they can fully express their talents and abilities, we doom them to be part of the problem instead of the solution. However, if we let cows do what cows do best, eat and produce fertilizer, they can be a major asset in the regeneration of soil, let alone that the meat of healthy cows raised on grass is not only better for us but will taste very different that what we are used to from grocery store meat. We try our best to provide our cows with an environment where they be part of a system that will regenerate instead of degenerate. Our cows are moved onto fresh pasture regularly, sometimes once or twice a day, if the pasture can handle a little more, they get left an extra day before being put onto fresh grass. We make sure our pastures get enough recovery time to heal, grow grass and build soil. By moving our livestock regularly we also make sure our animals don't have to stay in their own manure, which helps with fly control as well as parasite load. All in all, moving cows is a win for everybody. The cows are healthier, the soil and grasses get healthier and in the end we are healthier as well.

We are all sold out of beef for 2023. Bookings are now open for your 2024 beef!

We sell quarters, halves and whole beef through on-farm slaughter. Book early as we only have limited quantities available.

The price is calculated on the hanging weight.

All cows are different, so we are only able to give you an average of what a quarter weighs, the actual weight might be different. On average you can expect 130-200 lbs of hanging weight on your quarter. You will lose about 25% of that weight during the cutting process. The price is on the hanging weight.


Processing costs are extra. We can recommend some great butchers in our area and will gladly book all the appointments for you.

Usually processing costs range from 0.95.- to 1.10.-/lb.