Grass-fed meat

Pasture raised pork

Order your pig for 2024

About our meat

Pasture raised pork

We are now taking deposits for our 2024 pork. To hold your spot we require a 100$ non-refundable deposit.

April: 7 available (3 sold)

May: 6 available

June: 7 available

July: 7 available

We usually butcher our pigs around 150-180 lbs hanging weight, this should give you around 100-130 lbs of meat. A little apartment freezer will be big enough to hold that amount of meat.

Our prices for 2024 are :

Whole pigs:

4.-/lb hanging weight

Butcher Fees

60.- kill fee

1.10.-/lb butchering cost

bacon and ham are extra

A whole hog will on average cost you 950-1100 CAD depending on the weight of the animal and whether you want bacon, hams, and any other specific cuts.

How we raise our pigs

We want our pigs to do what pigs do best, root and soak up sunshine. Every day they get a fresh piece of pasture put in front of them, in fact, they get to eat so much greens that their tongues turn green. Our Mangalica boar Red puts his sophisticated touch on all our meat, lots of healthy fat and dark red meat. Don't let the fat scare you, it is full of natural antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. Render it down on high heat and you will get an entirely new pork experience.

Pastured-raised pork is healthier

We started out raising pigs for our own consumption on our journey to soil and our own health. It was important to us to know where our meat came from, what it was fed and how it was raised. What started out as a hobby turned into a serious passion that we are striving to do better and better at as we embark on this journey. Letting pigs live their best lives outside, doing what pigs do best, rooting and eating fresh grass, has turned into a mission for us. We believe rotationally grazed pork has a lot of things speaking for itself. Pasture raised meat is more nutrient dense than conventionally raised pork (more info in this article: The Nutritional Benefits of Pasture-raised pigs), which makes it healthier for us.

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is another important aspect for us. Our pigs are butchered on farm whenever we can to avoid the stress of an abattoir (for our pork boxes we have to have inspected meat so our pigs have to be butchered at a government inspected facility). They are outside year round, on grass in the summer and on hay in the winter with lots of room to root and run and do pig things. They live in large groups and we only separate the sows at farrowing time to ensure mama has enough peace and quiet to care for her babies. Often our sows will farrow and raise their little ones together. We feed our pigs locally sourced grains from neighbouring farms.

We only intervene if there is a medical emergency, and even then found that more often than not time is the best healer. We try to farm in natures image to the best of our abilities. As such soil health is just as important to us as our animals health. We rotate our pigs frequently and give our pastures long rest periods to recover. We seed after our pigs to increase bio diversity. We don't spray our pastures and we don't use synthetic fertilizer. We don't till, other than what the pigs root up, and we make sure there is always plenty of residue left behind for the microbiology below the surface. We thoroughly enjoy our pork and hope you will too.

Fresh meat from Rocking T Farm